Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Island Park for the Holidays

We spent the holidays with family up at the cabin in Island Park.  It was so fun playing with cousins, snowmobiling, sitting by the fire and playing games!  Love our cute family!!

 Ella refuses to stop growing. Not ready for it!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Then five became six.

Our sweet Ella was born on September 5th at 6:02pm weighing 6 pounds 14oz.  I went in that morning with high blood pressure and they decided to induce me! I went straight to labor and delivery.  Porter was with me so I called my mom and asked her to come and pick him up. Kurtis came around noon and sat with me.  Once the contractions became closer I got ready to push, they asked me to sit up and I did so.  They quickly asked me to stop and she just slipped out!  It was amazing! She is perfect.  We love her so much!

Friday, May 31, 2013


My poor neglected blog.  My life has been a whirlwind and I just have not found the time to post.  I think that once we move and I have this baby I will be back to my old self.  Here is what we have been up to! 
We have done lots of playing outside!  The weather has not been the greatest lately but we have taken the advantage of being outdoors non the less. My kids are growing like weeds and I can't keep up with all their energy!

 Caleb tried out for the Major Baseball Team and made it!  We are so proud of him and it has been so fun to watch him improve and play hard! 

By some miracle, we were ready before for 9 o'clock church with enough time for a few pictures! I think I will keep them! ;)