Friday, August 13, 2010

The future looks bright

We went to Color Me Mine a few weeks ago and the kids painted to there hearts desire.  It was fun to watch them get so excited about their design, that was ALL theirs!  These will be a little peek into the life of a 4 and 7year old year down the road.

Porter has been sick all summer.  It is so hard to see such a normally happy boy be so sad.  These past few days he has been feeling a little better.  I love this last is so Porter.

This summer we have spent countless hours on the tramp and swing set (thanks to our wonderful friends how gave us their swing set when they moved!)  in our backyard.  The kids love to swing, and when they are not fighting they love playing together! :)

Typical summer afternoon: Caleb sweaty and SO happy to be playing outside, Hannah being a cheese and wearing her favorite dress, and Porter taking advantage of a nice warm place to lay his head. 

I have made many treats this summer and this is by far our favorite, just a old fashion ice cream cone with a cherry on top! Yum!


Derek and Christi said...

ALL of those pictures are so cute! Poor Porter being so sick! Looks like so much fun.

[BrookeO] said...

Cute, cute, cute post!!!!!!!!
Love the pics.
And I am so doing the cherry on top....forgot how fun that is!!!