Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thats the nicest thing

I have been trying to lose a few pounds before we go a on a cruise in October.  My kids are always trying to feed me all sorts of treats.

Caleb: Mom, PLEASE eat some ice cream, it is SO good!
Me: No, Caleb I am trying to lose some weight.
Caleb: NO!!! Then you won't be very snuggly and comfortable anymore!!

For some reason this picture won't load right..

Thanks to my friend Ann for taking such fun pictures of us!


mnjacksons said...

Sooo cute! love them

angela said...

Very cute! I love you in that shirt.

[BrookeO] said...

Oh, I love these.

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

SO VERY DARLING!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your kids are beautiful!