My phone was so dumb! If any of you have tried to call me within the past month you know what I am talking about! It always said "call failed" when I tried to call, or it would never ring....just sit there in silence.... I HATED it!!! Lets just say I did not say very nice things about it, and now I am hearing those words coming out of my kids mouths! Oops! (I did try to control myself but it was very difficult!)
SO FINALLY I GOT A NEW PHONE, and it is BEAUTIFUL!!! I know that it is not a blackberry, an Iphone, ect. but it is just right for me!
COoL FeaTurEs.....
- you can put all your music on it (While waiting in the very long Walmart return line on Saturday i wiped out my earphones and turned on some Carrie Underwood!)
-You can pick any of those songs for your ring tone...mine is Love Story by Taylor Swift (so if i don't answer for a few rings you will know why!)
-You can put movies on it (yes, I know all my movies are kid ones.....but can't you just see the joy in grocery shopping now!!!)
-And .... Drum Roll please! The phone is ....... FREE!!!
It is a Nokia Xpress Music phone from T-moble
Colors to choose from: purple (mine), orange, & red
So if you are with T-moble and are due for a new phone, get this one! It is awesome!!
Alrright, I will step down now....
Hurray for you!
Jealous! My phone looks like it was made by playschool
Nice, Josh has the orange one!
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